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Our Vision

A world where Islamic guidance governs our every action
hello world!

Islamic Council aims to promote and defend Shari’ah (Islamic law) as a solution for the challenges facing humanity in our time

The council’s vision is to see the entire world, humanity and others, enjoy the justice and mercy of Islam, and it takeas pride in the higher aims and objectives of the Shari’ah, which are summarised in the Qur’anic verse:
“Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded.”
Qur'an 16:90
Islamic Council is a body that was established by scholars, Imams and leaders from the Muslim community
The objective of the Council is to provide avenues for Muslims in a minority context to carry out their religious obligations and needs when it comes to various matters.

Our Mission

The Islamic Council educates and empowers Muslims to live upon Islamic guidance
We seek to educate Muslims on the importance of Shari’ah and how it is a light to give them every success in this life and the next.

We also empower Muslim individuals and communities to live their lives in accordance with Shar’iah by providing services that make the application of its teachings in the easiest way possible.

We believe this is what Allah ﷻ wants from us on this earth and that this is the methodology of the Prophet ﷺ using the Qur’an and Sunnah as a guide for people to live all aspects of their lives.

Our Principles


Religious Pride & Practice


Ummah Mindset


Excellence of Character


Serving Society


Championing Heritage


Promoting Excellence

The challenges we face

Muslims living in the West often face options that are not compliant with the Shari’ah. Whether these relate to family issues, navigating the legal system or simply finding halal solutions. The problems Muslim minorities face are at every turn.

While every problem has its proposed solution, we often find that those not grounded in Shari’ah are rarely the best solutions, and can sometimes lead to other problems or simply make things worse.
Challenges facing the Muslim community in the West:
Muslims are facing a family crisis, with many families at breaking point, couples on the brink of divorce and children facing instability.
Muslims are unsure if the financial products they choose are Halal or Shari’ah compliant.
Islam is not often turned to unless for personal gain or vengeance.

At the Islamic Council, finding solutions through the guidance of the Shari’ah is at the heart of everything we do

Muslims living in the West have long called for providing solutions through Islamic guidance. We’re here to answer that call and to provide real contextualised solutions and guidance on issues facing Muslims in the West; ones that will inevitably help them connect, love and build a relationship with Allah’s ﷻ guidance in their lives.

To confront these challenges head-on and empower the Muslim community to live a life where Islamic guidance governs our every action, we set the following strategic priorities and services to meet them.

Our Services


Offering non-prejudiced suggestions for any situation


Stepping in as a neutral unbiased voice to support relationships

Islamic Finance

• Training, development and curriculum services
• Business and investment dispute resolution and adjudication
• Shari’ah compliance review, auditing and certification


• Seminars & Workshops
• Q&As
• Panels
• Lectures


Weighing up pros and cons from a Shari’ah perspective


Working with disputing parties to arrive at amicable solutions

Zakah Advisory

• Calculation and audit for Individual, business, pensions and investments
• Zakah and Shari’ah compliance review, auditing and certification


• Articles
• Infographics
• Journals
• Research Papers
• Fataawa
• Public Statements


• Offering Shari’ah-based judicial answers to ongoing issues


• Bringing peace and building trust between spouses and families

Product Design

• Islamic inheritance and probate advisory
• Product structuring, research and development


• Imams
• Professionals
• Scholars

The council aims to provide its services according to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism as in the verse:
“Indeed, the best one you can hire is the strong and the trustworthy.”
The Qur’an 28:26
You will find our service to be professional and holistic due to our adjudicators’ calibre and vast experiences, as well as our strong processes, integrity and confidentiality, insha’Allah. We are non-judgmental and relevant wherever you are on your journey.

Our Team of Experts

From inception, we held that our team of experts at the Islamic Council should themselves be closely connected to Allah ﷻ and have a strong knowledge of the various branches of Islamic law both from a theoretical as well as practical perspective. As such, being an imam in the community is a core tenet that we insisted on.
Our clients can be assured that all the experts in our team have been imams at major Islamic centres in the West and bring with them a wealth of experience in supporting families and businesses through Shari’ah and know the value of strong and healthy relationships that bring hearts together.

In a world where it is not all that common to find support services provided by those who understand and can apply the learnings from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the team of experts at the Islamic Council stand out as a unique set of individuals.

Between them, they have years of experience working with communities in the West. Quite often, we find the team offering services in Bengali, Urdu or Arabic and we strive to offer services in the wide range of languages spoken within the Muslim communities we work in.

Shaikh Haitham Al-Hadad

Shaykh Dr Haitham al-Haddad is a jurist and UK based Scholar who currently serves as the Chair of the Fatwa Committee for The Islamic Council of Europe. He has studied Islamic sciences for over 20 years under the tutelage of renowned scholars. He obtained his doctorate on the jurisprudence of Muslim Minorities from SOAS. He specialises in many of the Islamic sciences and, together with his academic background, has an ocean of experience in helping people use Islamic principles as solutions for their everyday lives. He has over the course of the past decade dealt with several hundred cases.

Shaykh Abu Ubaydah

Shaykh Abu Ubaydah was born in London, UK. He attended primary school, secondary school and college in London, where he studied History, Law and English. Having memorised the Qur'an at the age of 21, he then turned his attention towards Islamic studies. He travelled to Cairo where he enrolled at Al-Azhar Islamic University completing a Bachelors Degree in Shari'ah in 2012. He continued his studies in Egypt and studied Advanced Arabic and Islamic Sciences. Shaykh Abu Ubaydah lived and worked in Egypt as a curriculum developer for three years before returning to the UK to become a senior lecturer.

Shaykh Dr Ali Ahmed

Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed has been active in the Muslim community since 2000. After receiving his B.Sc. in Biochemistry, he started travelling to various parts of the world to further his Islamic Knowledge in order to better serve and help the Muslims in the West. After studying for more than 10 years, he obtained a Ph.D in Islamic Judiciary, with a special focus on Arbitration and Mediation in Muslim Family Law in the U.K. He has authored several academic papers relating to Fatwa, Muslim Family Law, Islamic Judiciary system and its effects on the Muslims living in the West as minorities.

Shaykh Dr Sajid Umar

Shaykh Sajid Ahmed Umar initially pursued a first degree in IT. He went on to successfully open an IT business. Alongside his contemporary studies, Shaykh Sajid was a student of a Qur'an academy till the age of 18. Subsequently, he turned his attention towards Islamic Studies. He completed a 3-year University Diploma in Arabic language and Islamic Sciences at Imam Muhammed bin Saud Islamic University, he later attained a Bachelors degree in Sharī'ah and thereafter a Masters degree in Judiciary (Qadha), with honours, from the Higher Institute for Judiciary Studies (Ma'had al-'āli li'l-Qa'dhā). He trained as a judge and successfully completed a thesis on the topic of Liquidity Management using the famous Repurchase Agreement (REPO) contract, as well as its rulings and permitted alternatives. He has now completed his PhD in the Higher Institute of Judiciary at Al-Imam University, and completed a thesis in relation to Sharī'ah solutions in the area of Financial Risk Management. Shaykh Sajid has played an integral part in Islamic academic development worldwide. He has authored several articles and dissertations in both Arabic and English pertaining to the various Islamic Sciences; lectures at Knowledge International University, Mercy Mission World and Sabeel, and is currently the Sharī'ah adviser for the National Waqf Fund.

Shaykh Shaqur Rehman

Shaykh Shaqur Rehman has completed a PGCE along with an MA in Applied Linguistics. He preceded his secular studies with a traditional Islamic education beginning in Egypt in 1999-2001 which he further developed in Syria and Saudi Arabia whilst teaching English in various universities and institutions. During his Islamic studies, he managed to memorise the Holy Qur’an and attain authorisation (Ijaza) in recitation and various Islamic sciences including theology and jurisprudence.

Shaykh Farid Haibatan

Shaykh Farid Haibatan graduated in Electronic Systems Engineering and holds a bachelors in Engineering (B.eng) from the University of Essex. After graduation he spent a number of years at the Islamic University in Madinah where he studied the Arabic Language and other religious sciences. Since his return from Madinah, he has been involved in Islamic Da’wah and has for many years taught the Arabic language and Islamic Studies. He has also translated Arabic books into the English Language some of which have become household names within the Muslim community such as Fortification of the Muslim through Remembrance and Supplication (Hisn al-Muslim). He currently serves as an Islamic studies lecturer and head of development.

Shaykh Ali Hammuda

Shaikh Ali Ihsan Hammuda is a UK national of Palestinian origin. He gained bachelors and masters’ degrees in Architecture & Planning from the University of the West of England, before achieving a BA in Shari'ah from al-Azhar University in Egypt. He is currently based in Wales and is a visiting Imām at Al-Manar Centre in Cardiff, and also a senior researcher and lecturer for the Muslim Research & Development Foundation in London.

Shaykh Fuad Abdo

Shaykh Fuad Abdo holds a Bachelors in Islamic Law and a Masters in Economics & Islamic Banking. He is an experienced Imam and currently the lead Imam at Al-Ansar Islamic Education centre, London.

Umer Suleman

Umer has been actively involved in Islamic Finance for the last decade, working with some of the most notable UK scholars on shariah structuring and process reviews. Umer currently is GM for Wahed UK and Group Head of Risk for Wahed globally, he sits on the board of the UKIFC, is an advisor for the finance arm of the Islamic Council of Europe and is co-Founder of the National Waqf Fund. Umer has also been an advisor for a number of other Islamic Fintechs.

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