Shari'ah Consultancy
Looking into specific needs with one of our experts and receiving personalised guidance to help understand and implement Shari’ah principles in your operations.

Shari'ah Compliance Check and Evaluation
Looking into specific needs with one of our experts and receiving personalised guidance to help understand and implement Shari’ah principles in your operations.

Business, Finance, and Investments Shari'ah Certification
Looking into specific needs with one of our experts and receiving personalised guidance to help understand and implement Shari’ah principles in your operations.

Shari’ah Fintech Consultancy & Certification
Looking into specific needs with one of our experts and receiving personalised guidance to help understand and implement Shari’ah principles in your operations.

Zakah Consultancy & Certification
Explore our Zakah Consultancy & Certification service, offering personalised Zakah calculations, expert fatwas on Zakah distribution, comprehensive Zakah policies, guidance, and audit services for charitable organisations.

Waqf Consultancy & Certification
Explore our Wills & Inheritance service, offering tailored Shari'ah-compliant wills, expert Shari'ah consultancy on inheritance matters, resolution of inheritance disputes, and comprehensive Islamic rulings. Secure the future with clarity and adherence to Islamic principles in matters of wills and inheritance.

Wills & Inheritance
Explore our Wills & Inheritance service, offering tailored Shari'ah-compliant wills, expert Shari'ah consultancy on inheritance matters, resolution of inheritance disputes, and comprehensive Islamic rulings. Secure the future with clarity and adherence to Islamic principles in matters of wills and inheritance.

Knowledge Building and Skill Development
Discover our Waqf Consultancy & Certification service – offering Fatawa for Awqaf, strategic solutions for waqf development and wealth distribution, certification of distribution channels, and official certification for your waqf endeavours. Ensure the impact and integrity of your waqf with our comprehensive consultancy and certification services.

Research and Development
Explore our Wills & Inheritance service, offering tailored Shari'ah-compliant wills, expert Shari'ah consultancy on inheritance matters, resolution of inheritance disputes, and comprehensive Islamic rulings. Secure the future with clarity and adherence to Islamic principles in matters of wills and inheritance.

Shari’ah Dispute Resolution with Expert Adjudicators
Resolve a diverse range of conflicts, encompassing business and investment, individual finance, inheritance disputes, and family finance, with the support of our specialised and qualified adjudicators in line with Shari’ah principles.

Client Spotlight Promotion
Showcase your organisation through our socials, emails, articles, videos, and podcasts to amplify visibility and exposure, while bolstering your reputation as a socially responsible and ethically driven institution committed to upholding Islamic finance principles.